All in Attributes of God

Attributes of God | Moral | Righteousness and Holiness

In this sermon from Restoration Church, Daniel Samms does a brief overview of the Attributes of God series Restoration Church has been in before going into a study of God's Righteousness and Holiness, leading to a clear understanding of how we fall short of God's glory because of our sin, but Jesus dies to satisfy the wrath and justice of God, transferring His righteousness to us. The ultimate result is that God receives glory in the Gospel, because His righteousness is revealed!

Attributes of God | Sovereignty

In this sermon, Pastor Dan continues our series on the Attributes of God by talking about God's sovereign will and sovereign Power. As we know, there is a tendency in humans to elevate ourselves and diminish God. Thus, it is critical that we continually renew our focus on God as He has revealed Himself in His Word. Remembering who God is, reminds us how great He is and how much we need him. For believers, this leads us to fulfill the first and great commandment to recognize God and delight in Him with the whole of our being. For the lost, seeing the greatness of God is an opportunity to recognize that they have sinned against this great God and need Him to atone for their sins and restore them to God. In some cases, the lost rebel against God all the more. But, in every case, the glory of God is proclaimed.

Take some time to remember the Greatness of God as it relates to His sovereign will and sovereign power. Maybe follow-up by listening to the other sermons in this series as well!

Attributes of God: Intellectual

In this sermon, Pastor Dan discusses the Intellectual characteristics of God. Those being Omniscience (perfect knowledge), Omnisapience (perfect wisdom), and Veracity (truth, truthfulness, faithfulness). Knowing that God has all knowledge, all wisdom, and is perfectly faithful and true is comforting for the child of God and should be sobering for the unrepentant. The child of God can rest knowing that the God of creation who knows all things has sovereignly decreed the greatest good for His children and He always fulfills His promises. The lost person should cower for this God who knows all things knows their darkest sins. And, to Him they must give account. There is good news for the sinner too! Jesus paid the sin debt for all who put their trust in Him (1 Peter 2:24, Romans 6:23). Repent and believe the gospel (Romans 10:9-10).

Attributes of God: Aseity and Immutability

Continuing our Series on The Attributes of God, Pastor Dan teaches on the Aseity and Immutability of God, providing clarification and understanding on what both terms mean as God has revealed Himself. God is unchanging and is the source of all life. He has no need for counsel or sustenance from any other being as He is the Creator and Sustainer of the universe! For a more detailed study, sign up for Underground Seminary at